1)The reason(s) for removed figures, tables, numerical values and text from various documents and web pages include (but are not limited to):
   a)   There are specifics about entities which I did not feel contributed to the meaningful information I was trying to convey.

   b)   There are specifics contained in some of the images which I wanted to hold off on because they might provide overly descriptive content.

   c)   There are specifics contained in some of the numerical values which I did not include because they might prevent critical thinking.

   d)   There are specifics contained in some of the figures and tables which I was not sure were entirely correct (and were potentially quite misleading).

   e)   There was some information removed because it conveyed design ideas that I was not yet comfortable with sharing.

   f)   Earlier versions of this website included more removed content. In the most recent release, I still have certain information removed and have added 'white space' and 'FIGURE INTENTIONALLY REMOVED' and 'TABLE INTENTIONALLY REMOVED' notifications for the following reasons which include (but are not limited to):

     (i)     Many of those documents were written in a very old version of Microsoft Word many years ago and the time and energy which might be required towards making them 'look pretty' was not (at this time) worth investing.

     (ii)     Having removed those portions doesn't really detract from the idea that I was trying to convey with the website, and in many cases, might have contributed more harm than good.

     (iii)     The sentences which include the 'white space' (missing words and/or phrases), if contributing any sort of confusion, should just be skipped over.

     (iv)     The figures and/or tables which have been removed may be reentered into the web pages at some point in the future.


2)The reason(s) why a user of this website might incur problems while attempting to use their web browser's 'REQUEST DESKTOP SITE' and/or 'REQUEST MOBILE SITE' include (but are not limited to):
   a)   I added the custom Word home followed by right pointing arrow button to my website to allow for the case when a search engine might return a single page from my site without readily providing a link to my website's home page. This could potentially occur for HTML pages. My 'HOME' button provides a search engine user with a quick way of getting to my website's home page.

   b)   The custom Uniform Resource Locator (URL) '' was added to the top of each of the six PDF draft documents and to the road scene images PDF document to allow for the case when a search engine might return a single PDF document from my website. This link would provide easy access to my homepage.

   c)   I have moved from distinct 'larger screen' and 'smaller screen' versions of my website to a single website for all devices. For this reason, the 'REQUEST DESKTOP SITE' and 'REQUEST MOBILE SITE' mobile browser integrated buttons likely will not work. Be careful when using my PDF file homepage URL at the top of each document, particularly if your device default browser is different than the browser which you are currently viewing the web page in and about to open the PDF file with.


3)Additional notes for users of devices who require support viewing site content include (but are not limited to):
   a)   Site Note One: The 'View Reading/Reader' version of my website which may be generated by various browsers allows formatting which is outside of my control. My website supports the zooming text wrap of mobile browsers like Opera, Chrome (Reader Mode), Edge (Reading Mode) and Safari (Reading Mode). Note that the 'blue boxed' images found on my site may not be available in reading modes but the text hyperlink should work.

   b)   Site Note Two: The abbreviated image set includes only fifty-two of the many hundreds of images which I will at some point make accessible to site visitors through the PDF file. The page which is displayed via the Road Scene Images PDF link is an Adobe PDF document which was created from a Microsoft Word file. You may need to install Acrobat Viewer on your PC or a comparable mobile app if you are having problems viewing this or any PDF site content.

   c)   Site Note Three: You may need to install an appropriate media player or mobile app to view the MP4 or WebM format road scene video files.

   d)   Site Note Four: The site is 'fully viewable' in the five desktop browsers I have tested with (Microsoft IE11/Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera). The site is 'fully viewable' in the five mobile browsers I have tested with (Samsung Internet, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Edge). The site is 'fully viewable' in Safari (iPhone, MacBook Pro, etc.) but on the MacBook, hovering over the blue 'boxed image' hyperlinks won't highlight them in yellow like it does on Windows based systems. Note that both the blue 'boxed image' hyperlinks and the blue underlined text hyperlinks may be used to access web page content in normal viewing modes on most devices.

   e)   Site Note Five: I have updated the seals for both SiteLock and DigiCert on the homepage. The SiteLock seal may be clicked or tapped to access verified website security information and is date stamped. The DigiCert seal may be clicked or tapped to access information which includes the verified and validated website Secure Site SSL state and a date stamp. This Secure Site SSL status information includes (but is not limited to) both organization information and in-place website security measures. It also reflects website scanning by approximately 81 malware scanners through VirusTotal. The manner in which these two seals communicate information is significantly different than how the other homepage links do. The blue/light blue ‘3D buttonized look’ was added around the DigiCert seal to increase it's visibility and to let site visitors know that there was information accessible by clicking/tapping on the seal. For this DigiCert seal, hovering over it will not highlight it in yellow.

   f)   Site Note Six: On the sitemap page, information associated with the topics of perspective, demonstration and insight are 'fit' into a more traditional arrangement which is represented using a generalized hiearchical tree. Consider firstly that from both my homepage and sitemap pages, my 'Welcome' page is accessible, but this page contains no linkable pages except back to the homepage. From just below the 'Welcome' topic section on the homepage and the sitemap pages, the 'What is Lane Departure Warning?' page is accessible. From this page, four other pages plus the homepage are accessible. Consider LaneDepartureWarning.ORG/ to be the 'tree' and the 'What is LDW?' page to be a 'branch' of the tree from which four other pages plus the homepage are linkable to. The hierarchical 'tree' resembles Image of tree hiearchy. Note that the sitemap page has been updated to restrict resizing of some content. This may lead to differences in text sizes.


4)I am guessing that this unique website could draw people for a number of reasons including (but not limited to):
   a)   Interest specifically in Lane Departure Warning Systems.

   b)   Interest in general knowledge or background for a vehicle which they are considering purchasing.

   c)   Interest in Collision Avoidance, Warning, and Mitigation technologies.

   d)   Interest in using the road scenes I provided along with the theories/methods for starting/continuing their own analysis (in Matlab or other).

   e)   Interest in taking the GUI and creating their own system for GUIDE driven development in Matlab (or other).

   f)   Interest in the potential engineering aspects of the technologies presented.

   g)   Interest in the potential Computer Science aspects of the technologies presented.

   h)   Interest in the potential legal aspects of the technologies presented.

   i)   Interest in how rules and regulatory information may be incorporated into a set of design goals towards a structural/syntactic statistical hybrid design method.

   j)   Interest in both the practical and theoretical aspects of advanced automotive safety system technologies.

   k)   Interest in the technology as it relates to the domestic and/or international automotive manufacturers and the military/government towards globally coupled self-interest.


5)Some reasons why there are webpages on this site which look significantly different than others:
   a)   The site has evolved significantly since being created. I have attempted to continuously improve the content and look of the site. For example, original site content was primarily text and scanned pages. The 'WHAT IS LANE DEPARTURE WARNING?' page (1/11/19) integrated text with images and descriptive text links. The 'LDW INSIDER PERSPECTIVE' page (5/08/20) attempts to 'paint a bigger auto safety picture' using updated formatting including 'buttonized' figures. Most recently, I have improved content and updated the overall site look.

   b)   There has been at least one major occurrence where my site content changed that I didn't make. My apologies.


6)Some general terms and conditions for use of this site:
   a)   This website is meant purely for information dissemination purposes. The views expressed on this website are the opinions of the author and should only be viewed as such.

        Thank you for visiting. If you have found this website enlightening, please let someone else know about it.

   b)   This website contains links to government and other legislative agencies, professional and trade organizations, private and public businesses, academic institutions and more. Upon linking to another site, you are subject to the terms and conditions for use of that site.

   c)   This website contains various aspects of potential topics within engineering, computer science and technology. The ideas presented constitute a preliminary organizing to the information form and content and any manuscripts I (co)authored which are presented are only draft versions.

   d)   This copyrighted website, including its manuscripts, should not be reproduced without the express written consent of its creator and exclusive rights owner, Christopher Alan Warner.

   e)   This website does not endorse or recommend products or services for which you may view a pop-up advertisement on your computer screen during visitation to this site.

   f)   Cookie Policy: I have never collected any personal information nor done advertising on this website. I do publish SmarterStats information related to visitation to the site. The two seals located on the home page for DigiCert and SiteLock have recently been updated as described above in site note five of section 3(e). Depending on your browser settings and whether or not you use the seal(s), you may set browser cookies from,,, and/or

   g)   The user is hereby notified that misuse of this website is not the responsibility of the website author and the visitor assumes any and all risk associated with its use.

   h)  Contact Us
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